"Salina holds a powerful space by making you feel safe and asking profound questions."

- Melissa

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Access Bars

Access Bars

Get ready to clear out the clutter in your mind with my Access Consciousness Bars services. During this unique process, we'll lightly touch 32 points on your head, which correspond to the body's energy meridians.

As I gently touch these specific points, we'll begin to discharge the energy that's been holding your limiting beliefs in place. These beliefs can often be deeply ingrained in our neural connections, making them difficult to overcome through traditional methods.

But with Access Consciousness Bars, we'll unlock a new level of clarity and perspective. The process removes outdated thoughts and beliefs that no longer serve you, providing more space in your head for positive and empowering ideas to take hold.

Many of my clients have reported feeling a sense of liberation and rejuvenation after experiencing this process. Some describe it as feeling like their head has been decluttered and they're finally free from their mental baggage.

If you're ready to let go of limiting beliefs and transform your mindset for a brighter, more fulfilling life, then Access Consciousness Bars is perfect for you. Let's get started and unlock your full potential today!

Regular price $147.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $147.00 CAD
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